Wednesday July 14th 2010
We don't have to work today or tomorrow. So I went to Walmart today to buy some organizing folders and some post-it stickers for the organizing folders. I plan to use all this to organize my trip to Albuquerque.
While I was working last night I met some rather interesting people. That is one thing I love about this job. The people I meet.
The first young man I met was a soldier. He is in the U.S army and he is home on a little leave from Iraq. Such a wonderful young man. A very good looking young man and very interesting to have a conversation with. While I stood talking to him about his time in Iraq, I couldn't help but think that he was some woman's son. Another woman's husband, and a little girl's father. He was about the same age as my own son, and I just couldn't imagine how it must feel to have your young son go off to war. The sacrifice that one whole family must make so we can be safe. "Thank-You".
Then there was a guy who came in and we got into a conversation about toy haulers. I really want a toy hauler bad. I want to trade in our 5th wheel and get a toy hauler to haul all my junk. Like my electric scooters, my washer and dryer, my extra fridge, and my very small freezer and all the new directories and information I recently ordered. He just bought a new toy hauler to haul his motorcycle. He invited me to come see it when he got it all set up.
There is a women in the park right now who has a 42ft inferno toyhauler. She tows it herself. Anyway I was explaining to this guy that it's not that simple for me to go trade my 5th wheel in. I would also need a new truck. Our truck is not big enough to pull a big toy hauler. Somewhere in our conversation he caught the eh.
Well that started a whole new conversation of it's own. He brought up the take off eh hoser from Saturday night Live. He had me laughing so hard. Oh my God, it's been forever since I heard hoser. I actually forgot all about it. Take off to the great white north...Neither one of us could remember who the two guys were on saturday Night Live that did the hoser skit.
Well I looked it up today the hoser's were Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas. Better known as Bob and Doug Mckenzie. The movie was called Strange Brew.

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